Holiday Mom Hacks | Traveling with Kids

Holiday Mom Hacks | Traveling with Kids

Survival Guide for Traveling with Kids for the Holidays

Brace yourself: the biggest travel season of the year is fast approaching! While there are meals to be shared, family football games to be won and decorations to hang, you may soon realize that getting your littles from point A to point B can be a bit of a challenge.  Don’t worry, it’s not just you. Every mom and dad needs a travel survival strategy to keep their sanity this Holiday season no matter what their mode of transportation. Keep reading for our Top 5 Tips for Traveling with Kids to get you through the journey to do what matters most: spend time with the ones you love.

Take our new SoundBub Bluetooth speaker/soother on the road with you! This travel-sized buddy is a perfect gadget to help soothe your little one wherever your next stop may be.

Keep calm and carry on

It’s important to pack the essentials in an easily accessible bag, especially if you are traveling by plane. What if the airline losses your luggage and you are unable to get it back right away? Trying to buy diapers, onesies, formula in an unfamiliar place can be a headache. Also include some toys/games to keep your little one entertained during the journey. Pack your baby’s favorite SoundBub character; this lightweight speaker/ soother can clip onto any bag, stroller or car seat. You can connect your phone to play music that will keep them entertained, or press the belly button to activate white noise to block out any external noise while they sleep.

Stick to the routine

If you’re a parent, you know that your child’s bedtime routine is sacred. If they don’t sleep, you don’t sleep, and that’s bad for everyone. Many moms try adjusting their little’s sleep schedule based on the time zone. For example, a day-time flight to Europe would be the perfect opportunity to encourage sleep, so when they awake (the next morning in Europe) they will be good to go.

Also, incorporate bedtime rituals that you use at home into your schedule abroad. Take a bath, read a favorite book, play white noise, whatever they are used to. SoundBub makes it easy to play white noise in any setting; just stand on any flat surface or clip onto the pack-n-play. It also can be re-charged through any USB port, so there is no fear of running out of battery while on the road.

Take family with you

Was your whole tribe unable to make the trip? Traveling away from Mom or Dad can be hard on your child. Try using WavHello’s free VoiceShare mobile app to record voice messages, lullabies or even a reading of a bedtime story from a loved one. Play this content straight through SoundBub’s speaker to make sure they won’t be missed. Pro-tip: record a series of messages, one for each day of the vacation to play for your child.

Create a home away from home

Bringing the comforts of home on your vacation will help everyone feel more at ease. Bring your baby’s favorite loves from home to comfort them; a favorite blanket, toy or comfy PJ’s will do the trick. SoundBub’s soft exterior and chew-safe material makes it the perfect travel buddy that is not a hassle to bring with you. Place all their favs in your easily- accessible travel bag (see Tip 1) to make sure they can bring your child comfort wherever you are.

Try booking an apartment instead of a single hotel room. This means that you will have access to a kitchen for washing bottles, and can put your little one down for sleep in another room at a decent hour without disturbing them. Some great sites for booking are and

Get in the right state of mind

This might sound cheesy, but getting in the right mind-set is everything while traveling with your baby. If you predict hassle and stress in your future, you both will feel it. Start with a well –thought out game plan, and stay positive. And remember: people can wait. Whether you are in the security line at the airport or changing your baby in the bathroom of stall at a rest stop, you can only do what you can. Don’t let others get you riled up, take your time and relax.

SoundBub Bluetooth speaker and white noise soother is the newest addition to the WavHello family of products. To learn more about SoundBub or to purchase your own, visit

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