New Mom Holiday Survival Guide

New Mom Holiday Survival Guide

Are you a new mom this holiday season? Between the family gatherings, entertaining, enjoying your new baby and all of the hustle and bustle of the holidays, the holidays can be a lot to handle especially with a new baby! We have complied our favorite tips and tricks for you and your new baby this holiday season to make this time as stress free as possible. 

 1. Traveling 101

 Whether you may be flying or driving this holiday season we have complied our favorite travel essentials and tips for traveling with baby. Our favorite go to item for travel is a sound soother like our SoundBub to help sooth and calm baby while drowning out background noises. Travel light, we know that sounds crazy traveling light with a baby yeah right! We mean traveling light by only bringing the essentials, your must haves, baby blanket, and baby clothing. Traveling light will help ease the stress of trying to manage so many bags and extra weight that may not be needed!

 2. Keep The Holidays Low Key

Lowering your holiday expectations with a new baby will help you enjoy this time with your new addition. Instead of trying to bake, shop, and getting exhausted by all of the holiday events and gatherings enjoy the time with your newborn. Being able to soak up all of the newborn baby bliss is the most important thing during the holidays, enjoy this time as your baby will grow up faster than you can imagine! 

Pro Tip: Create a list of things you want to do with your new family that are high priorities. Adding a couple of new traditions that you can carry on as family from year to year are some of our favorite holiday activities. Pick one or two of the most meaningful activities from your list, and try to accomplish those! Anything you do above and beyond those items are a bonus.

 3. Ask For Help When You Need It

As a mom and a new mom we think we can handle and do everything ourselves, from feedings, baths, snuggling, and loving your newborn baby we know it can be a lot especially during the holidays. Ask for help when you need it! Creating a circle of people you trust to watch your baby creates a strong social bond of people you can lean on when help may be needed. Family, friends, and others are sure to be happy to help mom out when needed. It is just as important to take care of yourself so that you can take care of baby. It is a win win for everybody, you get some much needed help for chores, shopping, running errands or perhaps some much needed rest and the caretaker gets to enjoy baby!

Pro Tip: It is always great to have a social network group to be able to ask for help. You can always return the favor and watch friends children too! 

 4. Go With The Flow

Sometimes things do not go as planned and that is ok. Preparing for the holidays in advance can be stressful, but be sure to remain flexible in your planning. It is important to be able to go with the flow of things and be able to adjust your planning when needed. Often time parents who have high expectations struggle to overcome the unplanned circumstances. Being able to remain flexible in your plans will help you enjoy your time! 

 5. Enjoy The Holiday Magic

Being a new family, it is most important to soak up these moments with your new baby. Taking note of all of the small things that matter most are helpful to help you enjoy and cherish this holiday season. Enjoy the magic of the holidays with the magic of your new baby! 

Pro Tip: Keeping a journal or notebook around to jot down little moments you wish to remember, actives you did for the first time as a family, or writing down new traditions is a great way to remember your first holiday season with baby. 


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